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Active Physics Direct Links

person_celebrate P. 19 | Simulation (S26-e312)

Radioactive decay

play_circle P. 22 | Video (V25-e301)

Blackening a photographic film (Expt 25.1)

play_circle P. 30 | Video (V25-e303)

Tracks in a cloud chamber (Expt 25.2)

play_circle P. 31 | Video (V25-e304)

Analogue of alpha-helium collision

play_circle P. 36 | Video (V25-e305)

Range in air and penetrating power

person_celebrate P. 36 | Simulation (S25-e301)

Range in air and penetrating power

play_circle P. 41 | Video (V25-e302)

Deflection of β radiation in a magnetic field (Expt 25.5)

inventory P. 45 | Self Check (SC25)

Self Check 25

captive_portal P. 54 | Internet Stuff (S26-e313*) [External]

⮞⮞ vt.physics video: Simulating Radioactive Decay With Dice - Physics Experiment

download P. 54 | Simulation (S26-e313) [WinXP exe]

Analogy of radioactive decay

inventory P. 86 | Self Check (SC26)

Self Check 26

person_celebrate P. 94 | Simulation (A27-e321)

Nuclear fission and fusion

play_circle P. 96 | Video (V27-e321)

Atomic bomb

download P. 97 | Simulation (S84-e42) [WinXP exe]

Nuclear power plant

person_celebrate P. 99 | Simulation (A27-e321)

Nuclear fission and fusion

play_circle P. 100 | Video (V27-e322)

Hydrogen bomb

person_celebrate P. 106 | Simulation (A27-e321)

Nuclear fission and fusion

inventory P. 114 | Self Check (SC27)

Self Check 27