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play_circle P. 4 | Video (V91-e11)

An ox's eye

captive_portal P. 4 | Internet Stuff (S91-e11*) [External]

⮞⮞ oPhysics: Interactive Physics Simulation: Optics of the Human Eye

download P. 4 | Simulation (S91-e11) [WinXP exe]

Structure of the eye

person_celebrate P. 13 | Simulation (S91-e13)

Resolving power of a lens

play_circle P. 18 | Video (V91-e12)

Model eye (Expt 1.1)

download P. 18 | Simulation (S91-e12) [WinXP exe]

A normal eye and a defective eye

captive_portal P. 27 | Internet Stuff (S91-e31*) [External]

⮞⮞ AniMed video: How Hearing Works Video

person_celebrate P. 27 | Simulation (S92-e31)

Mechanism of hearing

inventory P. 41 | Self Check (SC91A)

Self Check 91A (Vision)

inventory P. 41 | Self Check (SC91B)

Self Check 91B (Hearing)

play_circle P. 55 | Video (V92-e41)

Detecting ultrasound with an oscilloscope

download P. 63 | Simulation (S92-e41) [WinXP exe]

Ultrasound scan

play_circle P. 65 | Video (V92-e42)

Ultrasound images

person_celebrate P. 75 | Simulation (S91-e21)

General form of Snell's law and critical angle

person_celebrate P. 76 | Simulation (S91-e21)

Optical fibre

inventory P. 84 | Self Check (SC92)

Self Check 92

play_circle P. 109 | Video (V91-e51)

CT scans

person_celebrate P. 110 | Simulation (S93-e51)

Image reconstruction

person_celebrate P. 122 | Simulation (S94-e61)

Radionuclide imaging

inventory P. 135 | Self Check (SC93)

Self Check 93