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Active Physics Direct Links

play_circle P. 4 | Video (V20-e211)

Two kinds of charges (Expt 20.1)

play_circle P. 5 | Video (V20-e217)

Attraction and repulsion between rubbed strips

person_celebrate P. 11 | Simulation (A20-e211)

Attraction of a neutral conductor

person_celebrate P. 12 | Simulation (A20-e212)

Attraction of a neutral insulator

play_circle P. 13 | Video (V20-e215)

Move a can without touching it

play_circle P. 16 | Video (V20-e213)

Charging by sharing (Expt 20.2)

play_circle P. 16 | Video (V20-e214)

Charging by induction and earthing (Expt 20.2)

play_circle P. 17 | Video (V20-e212)

Charging a metal tray by rubbing

play_circle P. 21 | Video (V20-e216)

Make a ball shuttle between two cans

play_circle P. 24 | Video (V20-e218)

Fun experiments with Van de Graaff generator

person_celebrate P. 26 | Simulation (S20-e211)

Coulomb's law

captive_portal P. 33 | Internet Stuff (S20-e221a*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Charges and Fields

captive_portal P. 33 | Internet Stuff (S20-e221b*) [External]

⮞⮞ Kobe University: Line of force simulator

person_celebrate P. 33 | Simulation (S20-e221)

Electric field and electric potential

play_circle P. 40 | Video (V20-e221)

Electric field patterns around electrodes of different shapes

play_circle P. 49 | Video (V20-e222)

Electric field between charged parallel plates (Expt 20.3)

play_circle P. 49 | Video (V20-e232)

Electric field and p.d. between two parallel plates (Expt 20.3)

play_circle P. 53 | Video (V20-e223)

Charged PVC tube and fluorescent lamp

play_circle P. 53 | Video (V20-e224)

Handmade lightning

play_circle P. 59 | Video (V20-e2110)

How electrostatic spraying works

inventory P. 62 | Self Check (SC20)

Self Check 20

person_celebrate P. 77 | Simulation (A21-e241)

Microscopic view of electric current

play_circle P. 81 | Video (V21-e241)

Currents in series and parallel circuits (Expt 24.1)

play_circle P. 91 | Video (V21-e242)

Voltages in series and parallel circuits (Expt 24.2)

play_circle P. 94 | Video (V21-e247)

Simulating current, voltage and resistance

play_circle P. 97 | Video (V21-e243)

Ohmic component (Expt 21.1)

captive_portal P. 97 | Internet Stuff (S21-e243*) [External]

⮞⮞ OLabs: Ohm's law and resistance

download P. 97 | Simulation (S21-e243) [WinXP exe]

Ohm's law (Expt 21.1)

play_circle P. 99 | Video (V21-e244)

Effect of length and thickness on the resistance of a wire (Expt 21.2)

download P. 99 | Simulation (S21-e245) [WinXP exe]

Effect of length and thickness on resistance of a wire (Expt 21.2)

captive_portal P. 102 | Internet Stuff (S21-e248*) [External]

⮞⮞ Pearson: Studying a rheostat

download P. 102 | Simulation (S21-e248) [WinXP exe]

Studying a rheostat

play_circle P. 104 | Video (V21-e245)

Effect of temperature on the resistance of a copper wire and a thermistor (Expt 21.3)

person_celebrate P. 104 | Simulation (A21-e242)

Microscopic view of the effect of temperature on resistivities of metals (Expt 21.3)

person_celebrate P. 104 | Simulation (A21-e243)

Microscopic view of the effect of temperature on resistivities of semiconductors (Expt 21.3)

play_circle P. 105 | Video (V21-e248)

Effect of temperature on resistance

play_circle P. 105 | Video (V22-e255)

Switch on a bulb with a fan

captive_portal P. 105 | Internet Stuff (S21-e244*) [External]

⮞⮞ JamJarMMX video: GCSE Science Revision - Factors affecting Resistance

download P. 105 | Simulation (S21-e244) [WinXP exe]

Effect of temperature on resistance

captive_portal P. 113 | Internet Stuff (S21-e241*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Circuit Construction Kit: DC

download P. 113 | Simulation (S21-e241) [WinXP exe]

Current in series and parallel circuits

download P. 113 | Simulation (S21-e242) [WinXP exe]

Voltages in series and parallel circuits

captive_portal P. 117 | Internet Stuff (S21-e246*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Circuit Construction Kit: DC

person_celebrate P. 117 | Simulation (S21-e246)

Circuit builder

person_celebrate P. 118 | Simulation (S21-e249)

Variable resistor and potential divider

play_circle P. 125 | Video (V21-e252)

Determine the electrical power of a bulb (Expt 21.4)

play_circle P. 126 | Video (V21-e251)

Heating effect of electric current (Expt 21.5)

play_circle P. 126 | Video (V22-e254)

Glowing lead

captive_portal P. 128 | Internet Stuff (S22-e251*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Circuit Construction Kit: DC

download P. 128 | Simulation (S22-e251) [WinXP exe]

Electrical power and brightness of filament bulbs

download P. 129 | Simulation (S21-e247) [WinXP exe]

Connecting circuits

download P. 132 | Simulation (S21-e2410) [WinXP exe]

Internal resistance of a source

play_circle P. 133 | Video (V21-e246)

The internal resistance of a homemade dry cell (Expt 21.6)

inventory P. 139 | Self Check (SC21)

Self Check 21

play_circle P. 157 | Video (V22-e256)

Which bulb glows brighter?

play_circle P. 158 | Video (V22-e253)

Electrical energy supplied to a household appliance (Expt 25.3)

person_celebrate P. 168 | Simulation (S21-e252)

Short circuit and overloading

play_circle P. 169 | Video (V22-e257)

How fuses work

play_circle P. 176 | Video (V22-e291)

Effective value of a sinusoidal voltage (Expt 22.1)

inventory P. 181 | Self Check (SC22)

Self Check 22

play_circle P. 190 | Video (V23-e269)

Making your own compass

play_circle P. 194 | Video (V23-e261)

Visualizing magnetic field patterns (Expt 23.1)

play_circle P. 194 | Video (V23-e2610)

3D magnetic field

play_circle P. 201 | Video (V23-e262)

Magnetic field patterns around different current-carrying conductors (Expt 23.2)

person_celebrate P. 201 | Simulation (S23-e261)

Magnetic fields due to different current-carrying conductors (Expt 23.2)

play_circle P. 206 | Video (V23-e263)

Measuring the magnetic field around a long straight wire

play_circle P. 207 | Video (V23-e264)

Measuring the magnetic field inside a solenoid

play_circle P. 207 | Video (V23-e001)

Simple electric train

play_circle P. 210 | Video (V23-e265)

Factors affecting the strength of an electromagnet (Expt 23.3)

play_circle P. 212 | Video (V23-e2613)

Electromagnetic swing

person_celebrate P. 212 | Simulation (A23-e261)

How electric bells work

play_circle P. 216 | Video (V23-e2611)


play_circle P. 217 | Video (V23-e266)

A current-carrying straight wire in a uniform field (Expt 23.4)

play_circle P. 223 | Video (V23-e267)

Factors affecting the magnetic force

play_circle P. 225 | Video (V23-e2612)

Magnetic forces between currents

play_circle P. 232 | Video (V23-e268)

Building a model d.c. motor

captive_portal P. 232 | Internet Stuff (S23-e263a*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 好玩遊戲:快打流磁力

captive_portal P. 232 | Internet Stuff (S23-e263b*) [External]

⮞⮞ GeoGebra: DC Motor

captive_portal P. 232 | Internet Stuff (S23-e263c*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:電動機

person_celebrate P. 232 | Simulation (S23-e263)

How d.c. motors work

play_circle P. 241 | Video (V23-e271)

Deflection of electron beam (Expt 23.6)

captive_portal P. 243 | Internet Stuff (S23-e271a*) [External]

⮞⮞ - Mass Spectrometer with velocity selector

download P. 243 | Simulation (S23-e271) [WinXP exe]

Velocity selector

captive_portal P. 247 | Internet Stuff (S23-e272a*) [External]

⮞⮞ oPhysics: Interactive Physics Simulation: Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field

captive_portal P. 247 | Internet Stuff (S23-e272b*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 好玩遊戲:電荷超人

captive_portal P. 247 | Internet Stuff (S23-e272c*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 好玩遊戲:電荷超人吃金幣

captive_portal P. 247 | Internet Stuff (S23-e272d*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 好玩遊戲:電荷超人猜猜看

download P. 247 | Simulation (S23-e272) [WinXP exe]

Mass spectrometer

inventory P. 250 | Self Check (SC23)

Self Check 23

play_circle P. 262 | Video (V24-e281)

Induction by the relative motion between a coil and a magnet (Expt 24.1)

play_circle P. 262 | Video (V24-e289)

Falling ring magnet

captive_portal P. 263 | Internet Stuff (S24-e281a*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab

captive_portal P. 263 | Internet Stuff (S24-e281b*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:電磁感應

download P. 262 | Simulation (S24-e281) [WinXP exe]

Induction by the relative motion between a coil and a magnet (Expt 24.1)

play_circle P. 263 | Video (V24-e282)

Induction by moving a wire across magnetic field lines (Expt 24.1)

captive_portal P. 263 | Internet Stuff (S24-e282*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:ILB LvB

download P. 263 | Simulation (S24-e282) [WinXP exe]

Induction by moving a wire across magnetic field lines (Expt 24.1)

person_celebrate P. 271 | Simulation (S24-e284)

Conducting loop moving across a magnetic field

play_circle P. 276 | Video (V24-e288)

Ring that cannot get through

play_circle P. 278 | Video (V24-e283)

Induction caused by a changing magnetic field (Expt 24.2)

play_circle P. 278 | Video (V24-e285)

Jumping ring (Expt 24.2)

download P. 278 | Simulation (S24-e283) [WinXP exe]

Induction caused by a changing magnetic field (Expt 24.2)

play_circle P. 280 | Video (V24-e284)

Falling magnet (Expt 24.3)

captive_portal P. 286 | Internet Stuff (S24-e287a*) [External]

⮞⮞ GeoGebra: AC Generator 2D

captive_portal P. 286 | Internet Stuff (S24-e287b*) [External]

⮞⮞ GeoGebra: AC Generator 3D

captive_portal P. 286 | Internet Stuff (S24-e287c*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:發電機

person_celebrate P. 286 | Simulation (S24-e287)

Simple a.c. generator

person_celebrate P. 288 | Simulation (S24-e288)

Simple d.c. generator

play_circle P. 290 | Video (V24-e286)

Induced e.m.f. of a simple a.c. generator (Expt 24.4)

download P. 290 | Simulation (S24-e285) [WinXP exe]

How to use a CRO (Expt 24.4)

download P. 291 | Simulation (S24-e286) [WinXP exe]

Working principle of microphone

play_circle P. 292 | Video (V24-e2811)

A floating aluminium foil

play_circle P. 293 | Video (V24-e287)

Braking effect of eddy currents (Expt 24.5)

play_circle P. 294 | Video (V24-e2812)

What makes the brass gong rotate?

play_circle P. 316 | Video (V24-e292)

Voltages and numbers of turns in coils (Expt 24.7)

person_celebrate P. 319 | Simulation (S24-e291)


play_circle P. 326 | Video (V24-e293)

Model of transmission lines (Expt 24.8)

inventory P. 331 | Self Check (SC24)

Self Check 24