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captive_portal P. 7 | Internet Stuff (S01-e14*) [External]

⮞⮞ vt.physics video: Calibrate a Blank Thermometer - Physics Experiment

download P. 7 | Simulation (S01-e14) [WinXP exe]

Using an unmarked thermometer to measure temperatures

play_circle P. 7 | Video (V01-e11)

Making your own thermometer

play_circle P. 7 | Video (V01-e12)

Bimetallic strip

captive_portal P. 14 | Internet Stuff (S01-e15a*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: State of Matter - basics

download P. 14 | Simulation (S01-e15) [WinXP exe]

Microscopic interpretation of temperature

person_celebrate P. 15 | Simulation (A03-e31)

Microscopic interpretation of change of state

play_circle P. 17 | Video (V01-e21)

Raising water temperature by shaking

play_circle P. 20 | Video (V01-e44)

Convection in water I

play_circle P. 21 | Video (V01-e45)

Convection in air (Expt 1.1)

play_circle P. 22 | Video (V01-e44b)

Convection in water II

play_circle P. 23 | Video (V01-e414)

Why does the flame not go out?

captive_portal P. 25 | Internet Stuff (S01-e41*) [External]

⮞⮞ Expert Science and Maths Tutor video: Physics - Energy - Heat Transfer - Conduction

download P. 25 | Simulation (S01-e41) [WinXP exe]

Microscopic interpretation of conduction

play_circle P. 26 | Video (V01-e411)

Paper in a fire

play_circle P. 27 | Video (V01-e41)

The ability to conduct heat of different materials I

play_circle P. 27 | Video (V01-e41b)

The ability to conduct heat of different materials II

play_circle P. 27 | Video (V01-e49)

Only one can survive

play_circle P. 28 | Video (V01-e48)

Red-hot knife in a flame

play_circle P. 29 | Video (V01-e42)

The ability to conduct heat of water (Expt 1.2)

play_circle P. 29 | Video (V01-e43)

The ability to conduct heat of air (Expt 1.3)

person_celebrate P. 32 | Simulation (S01-e43)

Emission of radiation

play_circle P. 33 | Video (V01-e47)

Which surface is a better emitter of radiation? (Expt 1.4)

play_circle P. 34 | Video (V01-e46)

Which surface is a better absorber of radiation? (Expt 1.5)

person_celebrate P. 34 | Simulation (S01-e42)

Absorption of radiation

play_circle P. 35 | Video (V01-e416)

The magic of smiling

play_circle P. 38 | Video (V01-e415)

Cooling system in a computer

play_circle P. 41 | Video (V01-e410)

Flame that cannot pass through a gauze

inventory P. 43 | Self Check (SC01)

Self Check 01

play_circle P. 46 | Video (V01-e417)

Making a solar cooker

play_circle P. 64 | Video (V02-e22)

Specific heat capacity of water (Expt 2.1)

download P. 64 | Simulation (S02-e22) [WinXP exe]

Specific heat capacity of drink (Expt 2.1)

play_circle P. 65 | Video (V02-e23)

Specific heat capacity of aluminium (Expt 2.2)

person_celebrate P. 68 | Simulation (S02-e21)

Heating bodies with different specific heat capacities

download P. 73 | Simulation (S02-e23) [WinXP exe]

Mixing coffee and milk (Expt 2.3)

play_circle P. 73 | Video (V02-e24)

Mixing hot and cold water (Expt 2.3)

play_circle P. 79 | Video (V02-e412)

Balloon in a flame

inventory P. 80 | Self Check (SC02)

Self Check 02

play_circle P. 89 | Video (V03-e35)

Microscopic interpretation of evaporation

play_circle P. 100 | Video (V03-e31)

Cooling curve of octadecan-1-ol (Expt 3.1)

person_celebrate P. 104 | Simulation (A03-e31)

Microscopic interpretation of change of state

play_circle P. 110 | Video (V03-e32)

Specific latent heat of fusion of ice I (Expt 3.2)

play_circle P. 111 | Video (V03-e33)

Specific latent heat of vaporization of water (Expt 3.3)

play_circle P. 112 | Video (V03-e32b)

Specific latent heat of fusion of ice II

person_celebrate P. 112 | Simulation (S03-e32)

Measuring the specific latent heat of fusion of ice

inventory P. 124 | Self Check (SC03)

Self Check 03

play_circle P. 139 | Video (V04-e56)

Water in a cup that defies gravity

play_circle P. 140 | Video (V04-e57)

Inflating a balloon

play_circle P. 140 | Video (V04-e58)

Magdeburg hemispheres

play_circle P. 144 | Video (V04-e51)

Relation between the pressure and volume of a gas (Expt 4.1)

play_circle P. 147 | Video (V04-e52)

Relation between the pressure and temperature of a gas (Expt 4.2)

play_circle P. 150 | Video (V04-e53)

Relation between the volume and temperature of a gas (Expt 4.3)

play_circle P. 155 | Video (V04-e59)

Fire cupping

play_circle P. 163 | Video (V04-e55)

A three-dimensional kinetic theory model (Expt 4.4)

captive_portal P. 163 | Internet Stuff (S04-e51*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Gas Properties

person_celebrate P. 163 | Simulation (S04-e51)

Kinetic theory model

play_circle P. 165 | Video (V04-e54)

Observing Brownian motion of a gas

inventory P. 176 | Self Check (SC04)

Self Check 04