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Active Physics Direct Links

captive_portal P. 7 | Internet Stuff (S05-e61*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Vector Addition

download P. 7 | Simulation (S05-e61) [WinXP exe]

Distance and displacement

person_celebrate P. 30 | Simulation (S05-e62)

Motion graphs

play_circle P. 38 | Video (V05-e61)

Recording your motion by data-logging (Expt 5.1)

captive_portal P. 39 | Internet Stuff (S05-e63*) [External]

⮞⮞ Open Source Physics Test Server: Tracker Online

download P. 39 | Simulation (S05-e63) [WinXP exe]

Motion video analysis

play_circle P. 52 | Video (V05-e712)

Which one drops faster?

play_circle P. 53 | Video (V05-e62)

The 'coin and feather' experiment (Expt 5.2)

play_circle P. 54 | Video (V05-e63)

The motion graphs of a free-falling object (Expt 5.3)

inventory P. 63 | Self Check (SC05)

Self Check 05

play_circle P. 68 | Video (V05-e64)

Reaction time

play_circle P. 85 | Video (V06-e75)

Tricks on inertia I

play_circle P. 85 | Video (V06-e76)

Tricks on inertia II

play_circle P. 85 | Video (V06-e77)

Tricks on inertia III

play_circle P. 85 | Video (V06-e710)

Coin, bottle and inertia

play_circle P. 86 | Video (V06-e78)

Action of headrest in a car crash

play_circle P. 86 | Video (V06-e715)

Action of air bag and seat belt in a car crash

play_circle P. 86 | Video (V06-e65)


play_circle P. 90 | Video (V06-e72)

Relation between net force and acceleration (Expt 6.1)

person_celebrate P. 90 | Simulation (S06-e71)

Net force, mass and acceleration

download P. 90 | Simulation (S06-e74) [WinXP exe]

Acceleration of a car

play_circle P. 91 | Video (V06-e73)

Relation between mass and acceleration (Expt 6.1)

play_circle P. 91 | Video (V06-e711)

Newton’s second law of motion (Expt 6.1)

captive_portal P. 91 | Internet Stuff (S06-e72*) [External]

⮞⮞ Open Source Physics Test Server: Tracker Online

download P. 91 | Simulation (S06-e72) [WinXP exe]

Newton' s second law of motion (Expt 6.1)

play_circle P. 99 | Video (V06-e714)

A leaky bottle that does not leak

person_celebrate P. 99 | Simulation (S06-e75)

Apparent weight in a lift

captive_portal P. 102 | Internet Stuff (S06-e76*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Forces and Motion: Basics

person_celebrate P. 102 | Simulation (S06-e76)


play_circle P. 103 | Video (V06-e71)

Pushing a wooden block

play_circle P. 103 | Video (V06-e79)

Ball bearing

person_celebrate P. 106 | Simulation (S06-e77)


play_circle P. 112 | Video (V06-e74)

Verifying Newton’s third law of motion (Expt 6.2)

play_circle P. 112 | Video (V06-e713)

How water rocket works

inventory P. 118 | Self Check (SC06)

Self Check 06

play_circle P. 132 | Video (V07-e84)

Pulling trolleys which are connected by springs

download P. 132 | Simulation (S07-e73) [WinXP exe]

Driving the compartments of a train

captive_portal P. 140 | Internet Stuff (S07-e81*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Vector Addition

download P. 140 | Simulation (S07-e81) [WinXP exe]

Addition of vectors

play_circle P. 146 | Video (V07-e81)

Addition of forces in a plane (Expt 7.1)

captive_portal P. 146 | Internet Stuff (S07-e82*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 好玩遊戲:快打SIN COS

download P. 146 | Simulation (S07-e82) [WinXP exe]

Illustrating the addition of forces (Expt 7.1)

person_celebrate P. 151 | Simulation (S07-e83)

Box on a slope

captive_portal P. 162 | Internet Stuff (S07-e84*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Balancing Act

download P. 162 | Simulation (S07-e84) [WinXP exe]


play_circle P. 164 | Video (V07-e82)

Verifying the principle of moments (Expt 7.2)

play_circle P. 166 | Video (V07-e83)

Finding the centre of gravity (Expt 7.3)

play_circle P. 166 | Video (V07-e86)

A balance trick

person_celebrate P. 168 | Simulation (S07-e85)

Centre of gravity and stability

inventory P. 176 | Self Check (SC07)

Self Check 07

captive_portal P. 190 | Internet Stuff (S09-e01*) [External]

⮞⮞ Geogebra: Impulse from a Changing Force

download P. 190 | Simulation (S08-e91) [WinXP exe]

Work done in pulling a cargo

play_circle P. 209 | Video (V08-e92)

Which path is a short cut?

play_circle P. 209 | Video (V08-e93)

A swinging basketball

play_circle P. 211 | Video (V08-e91)

Verifying the conservation of mechanical energy (Expt 8.1)

download P. 214 | Simulation (S08-e92) [WinXP exe]

Change of potential energy and kinetic energy in roller coaster

inventory P. 226 | Self Check (SC08)

Self Check 08

play_circle P. 240 | Video (V09-e105)

Breaking a peanut

play_circle P. 242 | Video (V09-e1013)

Car design

play_circle P. 244 | Video (V09-e103)

Bungee jumping

play_circle P. 244 | Video (V09-e104)

Egg catcher

play_circle P. 245 | Video (V09-e101)

Studying impact forces by data-logging (Expt 9.1)

play_circle P. 246 | Video (V09-e1011)

A 'car' colliding with hard and soft objects

play_circle P. 250 | Video (V09-e102)

Studying collisions on a linear air track (Expt 9.2)

captive_portal P. 250 | Internet Stuff (S09-e102*) [External]

⮞⮞ Open Source Physics Test Server: Tracker Online

download P. 250 | Simulation (S09-e102) [WinXP exe]

Collision on a linear air track (Expt 9.2)

play_circle P. 252 | Video (V09-e106)

Collision of a basketball and a tennis ball

play_circle P. 256 | Video (V09-e1014)

Newton’s cradle

play_circle P. 257 | Video (V09-e109)

Conservation of momentum in throwing cushion

person_celebrate P. 257 | Simulation (S09-e101)

Linear momentum

play_circle P. 258 | Video (V09-e108)

Boat powered by water jet

play_circle P. 260 | Video (V09-e1012)

Apparent loss of momentum

play_circle P. 261 | Video (V09-e107)

Conservation of momentum

download P. 262 | Simulation (S09-e103) [WinXP exe]

Reaction control system in a space shuttle

captive_portal P. 262 | Internet Stuff (S09-e104*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Collision Lab

download P. 262 | Simulation (S09-e104) [WinXP exe]

Elastic collision in a plane

inventory P. 265 | Self Check (SC09)

Self Check 09

play_circle P. 277 | Video (V10-e111)

Monkey and hunter (Expt 10.1)

captive_portal P. 281 | Internet Stuff (S10-e111a*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 好玩遊戲:仰角互餘的砲

captive_portal P. 281 | Internet Stuff (S10-e111b*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Projectile Motion

download P. 281 | Simulation (S10-e111) [WinXP exe]

Cannon shell

play_circle P. 285 | Video (V10-e112)

Ballistic trolley

download P. 291 | Simulation (S10-e111) [WinXP exe]

Cannon shell

inventory P. 300 | Self Check (SC10)

Self Check 10

captive_portal P. 319 | Internet Stuff (S11-e121*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:鉛直面圓周運動

person_celebrate P. 319 | Simulation (S11-e121)

Uniform circular motion

play_circle P. 322 | Video (V11-e123)

Lifting up a ball

play_circle P. 323 | Video (V11-e122)

NASA’s centrifuge machine

captive_portal P. 328 | Internet Stuff (S11-e122*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:壓車過彎

person_celebrate P. 328 | Simulation (S11-e122)

Banking of roads

inventory P. 335 | Self Check (SC11)

Self Check 11

inventory P. 360 | Self Check (SC12)

Self Check 12