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Active Physics Direct Links

captive_portal P. 8 | Internet Stuff (S13-e141a*) [External]

⮞⮞ Chiu-king Ng Physics Simulation: Types of Waves

captive_portal P. 8 | Internet Stuff (S13-e141b*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:基礎波動

download P. 8 | Simulation (S13-e141) [WinXP exe]

Kinds of waves

play_circle P. 9 | Video (V13-e141)

Transverse pulses and waves (Expt 13.1)

download P. 10 | Simulation (S13-e141) [WinXP exe]

Kinds of waves

play_circle P. 10 | Video (V13-e142)

Longitudinal pulses and waves (Expt 13.2)

download P. 13 | Simulation (S13-e143) [WinXP exe]


captive_portal P. 13 | Internet Stuff (S13-e142*) [External]

⮞⮞ oPhysics: Interactive Physics Simulation: Longitudinal and Transverse Wave Basics

download P. 13 | Simulation (S13-e142) [WinXP exe]


captive_portal P. 13 | Internet Stuff (S13-e144*) [External]

⮞⮞ Bozeman Science video: Wave Period and Frequency

download P. 13 | Simulation (S13-e144) [WinXP exe]

Frequency and period

captive_portal P. 20 | Internet Stuff (S13-e145*) [External]

⮞⮞ Chiu-king Ng Physics Simulation: Transverse Travelling Wave

download P. 20 | Simulation (S13-e145) [WinXP exe]

Transverse wave model

play_circle P. 23 | Video (V13-e143)

Transverse wave model

person_celebrate P. 24 | Simulation (S13-e146)

s-d and s-t graphs of transverse waves

play_circle P. 28 | Video (V13-e144)

Longitudinal wave model

captive_portal P. 28 | Internet Stuff (S13-e147*) [External]

⮞⮞ Chiu-king Ng Physics Simulation: Longitudinal Travelling Wave

download P. 28 | Simulation (S13-e147) [WinXP exe]

Longitudinal wave model

person_celebrate P. 28 | Simulation (S13-e148)

s-d and s-t graphs of longutinal waves

inventory P. 35 | Self Check (SC13)

Self Check 13

play_circle P. 45 | Video (V14-e151)

Ripple tank (Expt 14.1)

captive_portal P. 49 | Internet Stuff (S14-e151*) [External]

⮞⮞ pfalstad: Ripple Tank (2-D Waves) Applet

download P. 49 | Simulation (S14-e151) [WinXP exe]

Reflection of water waves (Expt 14.2)

play_circle P. 51 | Video (V14-e198)

Reflection of microwaves

play_circle P. 55 | Video (V14-e199)

Refraction of microwaves

download P. 55 | Simulation (S14-e152) [WinXP exe]

Refraction of water waves (Expt 14.3)

download P. 62 | Simulation (S14-e153) [WinXP exe]

Diffraction of water waves (Expt 14.4)

play_circle P. 63 | Video (V14-e1910)

Diffraction of microwaves

inventory P. 68 | Self Check (SC14)

Self Check 14

play_circle P. 78 | Video (V15-e153)

Superposition of pulses (Expt 15.1)

person_celebrate P. 79 | Simulation (S15-e154)

Principle of superposition

captive_portal P. 81 | Internet Stuff (S15-e155*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:駐波的產生

person_celebrate P. 81 | Simulation (S15-e155)

Stationary waves

play_circle P. 83 | Video (V15-e154)

Transverse stationary waves (Expt 15.2)

play_circle P. 83 | Video (V15-e155)

Motion of particles in a transverse stationary wave (Expt 15.3)

captive_portal P. 93 | Internet Stuff (S15-e157*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Wave Interference

person_celebrate P. 93 | Simulation (S15-e157)

Interference of water waves (Expt 15.4)

captive_portal P. 99 | Internet Stuff (S15-e156*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:轉狹縫轉雷射

download P. 99 | Simulation (S15-e156) [WinXP exe]

Interfacence pattern

play_circle P. 102 | Video (V15-e1911)

Interference of microwaves

play_circle P. 102 | Video (V15-e201)

Interference of sound waves

inventory P. 107 | Self Check (SC15)

Self Check 15

play_circle P. 118 | Video (V16-e197)

Visible spectrum

play_circle P. 120 | Video (V16-e191)

Diffraction of light

captive_portal P. 120 | Internet Stuff (S16-e191*) [External]

⮞⮞ Walter Fendt: Diffraction of Light by a Single Slit

download P. 120 | Simulation (S16-e191) [WinXP exe]

Diffraction of light

captive_portal P. 121 | Internet Stuff (S16-e192*) [External]

⮞⮞ JavaLab: Young's Double Slit

person_celebrate P. 121 | Simulation (S16-e192)

Young's double slit experiment I

captive_portal P. 121 | Internet Stuff (S16-e193*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:雙狹縫繞射

person_celebrate P. 121 | Simulation (S16-e193)

Young's double slit experiment II

play_circle P. 122 | Video (V16-e192)

Young’s double slit experiment

play_circle P. 123 | Video (V16-e193)

Plane transmission grating

person_celebrate P. 123 | Simulation (S16-e194)

Diffraction grating

play_circle P. 124 | Video (V16-e194)

Visible spectrum formed by a grating

person_celebrate P. 125 | Simulation (S16-e193)

Young's double slit experiment II

play_circle P. 127 | Video (V16-e195)

Estimating the wavelength of a monochromatic light using a double-slit

person_celebrate P. 129 | Simulation (S16-e194)

Diffraction grating

play_circle P. 130 | Video (V16-e196)

Estimating the wavelength of a monochromatic light using a grating (Expt 16.2)

play_circle P. 134 | Video (V16-e1912)

Detecting infrared radiation I

play_circle P. 134 | Video (V16-e1914)

Detecting infrared radiation II

play_circle P. 134 | Video (V16-e1913)

Invisible words

play_circle P. 139 | Video (V16-e206)

Vibrating candle flame

play_circle P. 139 | Video (V16-e204)

Sound produced by a vibrating ruler

play_circle P. 139 | Video (V16-e205)

Vibrating speaker cone

play_circle P. 139 | Video (V16-e207)

Can a sound travel in a vacuum?

captive_portal P. 141 | Internet Stuff (S16-e201*) [External]

⮞⮞ JavaLab: ext-Sound pitch and volume

download P. 141 | Simulation (S16-e201) [WinXP exe]

Testing your audible frequency range

play_circle P. 141 | Video (V16-e202)

Audible frequency range

play_circle P. 144 | Video (V16-e203)

CRO traces of musical notes

captive_portal P. 144 | Internet Stuff (S16-e202a*) [External]

⮞⮞ Chiu-king Ng Physics Simulation: Quality of Sound

captive_portal P. 144 | Internet Stuff (S16-e202b*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:頻譜與波形

download P. 144 | Simulation (S16-e202) [WinXP exe]

Pitch, loudness and quality

play_circle P. 145 | Video (V16-e209)

Siren Can

inventory P. 157 | Self Check (SC16)

Self Check 16

captive_portal P. 177 | Internet Stuff (S17-e161*) [External]

⮞⮞ Open-source Physics Demos & Apps: 線光學模擬

download P. 177 | Simulation (S17-e161) [WinXP exe]

Laws of reflection

play_circle P. 177 | Video (V17-e161)

Laws of reflection (Expt 17.1)

play_circle P. 180 | Video (V17-e162)

Image formation by a plane mirror (Expt 17.2)

play_circle P. 181 | Video (V17-e165)

Candle in water

play_circle P. 181 | Video (V17-e164)

Disappearing ‘mouse’

play_circle P. 182 | Video (V17-e163)

Anti-gravity mirror

captive_portal P. 183 | Internet Stuff (S17-e163a*) [External]

⮞⮞ oPhysics: Interactive Physics Simulation: Image Formation in Plane Mirrors

captive_portal P. 183 | Internet Stuff (S17-e163b*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:平面鏡成像

captive_portal P. 183 | Internet Stuff (S17-e163c*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:兩人同鏡

download P. 183 | Simulation (S17-e163) [WinXP exe]

Image formation in a plane mirror

download P. 191 | Simulation (S17-e162) [WinXP exe]

Regular and diffuse reflection

inventory P. 194 | Self Check (SC17)

Self Check 17

play_circle P. 202 | Video (V18-e172)

Apparent depth (Expt 18.1)

play_circle P. 204 | Video (V18-e175)

A deceiving glass bottle

play_circle P. 205 | Video (V18-e176)

OHP rainbow

captive_portal P. 209 | Internet Stuff (S18-e171a*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Bending Light

captive_portal P. 209 | Internet Stuff (S18-e171b*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:折射的原因

captive_portal P. 209 | Internet Stuff (S18-e171c*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:多層折射

download P. 209 | Simulation (S18-e171) [WinXP exe]

Laws of refraction

play_circle P. 210 | Video (V18-e171)

Laws of refraction (Expt 18.2)

captive_portal P. 213 | Internet Stuff (S18-e172*) [External]

⮞⮞ PhET Interactive Simulation: Bending Light

person_celebrate P. 213 | Simulation (S18-e172)

General form of Snell's law and critical angle

person_celebrate P. 217 | Simulation (S18-e172)

General form of Snell's law and critical angle

download P. 218 | Simulation (S18-e173) [WinXP exe]

Total internal reflection

play_circle P. 218 | Video (V18-e173)

Total internal reflection (Expt 18.3)

play_circle P. 219 | Video (V18-e177)

Beaker in beaker

play_circle P. 219 | Video (V18-e178)

Observing total internal reflection with an aquarium

play_circle P. 220 | Video (V18-e174)

Total internal reflection in prisms (Expt 17.4)

play_circle P. 223 | Video (V18-e179)

Disguise as silver coin

play_circle P. 223 | Video (V18-e1710)

Disappearing watch

play_circle P. 224 | Video (V18-e1711)


person_celebrate P. 225 | Simulation (S18-e174)

Optical fibre

play_circle P. 225 | Video (V18-e1712)

Water light-pipe

inventory P. 229 | Self Check (SC18)

Self Check 18

play_circle P. 239 | Video (V19-e181)

Refraction in convex and concave lenses (Expt 19.1)

captive_portal P. 240 | Internet Stuff (S19-e181*) [External]

⮞⮞ Open-source Physics Demos & Apps: 線光學模擬

download P. 240 | Simulation (S19-e181) [WinXP exe]

Parallel rays through convex lens

download P. 240 | Simulation (S19-e182) [WinXP exe]

Parallel rays through concave lens

play_circle P. 246 | Video (V19-e182)

Formation of images by a convex lens (Expt 19.2)

captive_portal P. 248 | Internet Stuff (S19-e183a*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 教學動畫:薄透鏡成像

captive_portal P. 248 | Internet Stuff (S19-e183b*) [External]

⮞⮞ 好好玩物理網 - 好玩遊戲:快打成像

person_celebrate P. 248 | Simulation (S19-e183)

Image formed by convex lens

play_circle P. 251 | Video (V19-e186)

Inverted words

play_circle P. 251 | Video (V19-e185)

Water sphere lens

person_celebrate P. 252 | Simulation (S19-e184)

Image formed by concave lens

play_circle P. 261 | Video (V19-e183)

Measuring the focal length of a convex lens (Expt 19.4)

play_circle P. 270 | Video (V19-e184)

Plotting graphs to show the relation between the object distance and image distance (Expt 19.5)

inventory P. 275 | Self Check (SC19)

Self Check 19